El hurón (Mustela putorius furo) es una subespecie del turón. Fue domesticado hace al menos 2.500 años para cazar conejos. Miden unos 50 cm y pesan entre 700 g y 2 kg.Nadie sabe a ciencia cierta cuándo fue domesticado, pero algunos hallazgos arqueológicos del hurón datan del 1500 a.C. Se cree que la domesticación fue similar a la del gato. Hay quien dice que los antiguos egipcios tenían hurones, pero es más creíble que los europeos que visitaban Egipto viesen gatos, y pensaran que usar un pequeño carnívoro para proteger las reservas de grano era una gran idea.
The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is a subspecies of the polecat. It was domesticated at least 2,500 years ago to hunt rabbits. They measure about 50 cm and weigh between 700 g and 2 kg.Nadie knows for sure when it was domesticated, but ferret archaeological finds dating from 1500 BC It is believed that domestication was similar to cat. Some say that the ancient Egyptians had ferrets, but it is more credible that Europeans visiting Egypt they saw cats and thought using a small carnivore to protect grain reserves was a great idea.
The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is a subspecies of the polecat. It was domesticated at least 2,500 years ago to hunt rabbits. They measure about 50 cm and weigh between 700 g and 2 kg.Nadie knows for sure when it was domesticated, but ferret archaeological finds dating from 1500 BC It is believed that domestication was similar to cat. Some say that the ancient Egyptians had ferrets, but it is more credible that Europeans visiting Egypt they saw cats and thought using a small carnivore to protect grain reserves was a great idea.
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